Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hamlet Character Development Act 2

A revealing moment is when Hamlet is alone talking about his plans:

I’ll have these players
Play something like the murder of my father
Before mine uncle. I’ll observe his looks.
I’ll tent him to the quick. If he do blench,
I know my course. (2.2.623)

This moment reveals Hamlet's character. For example it reveals his plans of deception when he says, "I'll have these players/Play something like the murder of my father/Before mine uncle. The secret plan to get Claudius to confess his guilt before Hamlet while watching the play is deceptive. It reveals how Hamlet is deceiving and secret and brings his plans to avenge his father's death into light.

Another moment that reveals Hamlet's character is also when he is alone after everyone leaves:

"Am I a coward?
Who calls me 'villain'? "

This line reveals Hamlet's character and how it is changing. When Hamlet first met with the ghost he vowed to avenge his death; however in this line he seems to be questioning himself. His questioning of his plans to get revenge shows how he is acting rational. On the other hand, he is second guessing himself, and even asks himself, "Am I a coward?...". This also reveals how he is unsure, and confused which he has been throughout the play. 

Finally Hamlet reveals his character when he is talking to R&C about his madness and he says,

"I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw."

This line reveals how Hamlet is insane only sometimes, but sometimes he is normal. This shows Hamlet's character and how he is trying to act for everyone, and put on a different face for everyone. He is trying to deceive R&C when he says this because it will prevent them from knowing when he is speaking the truth or acting insane. The deception is a part of Hamlet's character that has developed, and at the end of Act 2 he is deceiving multiple characters. It is also a critical trait that Hamlet develops, and if he is to avenge his father's death he must use or else his plans would be detected.

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