Monday, September 24, 2012

Hemingway and Bullfighting Explained

Here Hemingway's infatuation with bullfighting is explained in detail. It discusses his views of bullfighting and its symbolism in his stories and novels


  1. this is really helpful to hear everythings meanings written out

    1. Callie--what did you find interesting in the article? What in the article relates to the bullfighting that we see in In Our Time?

  2. Throughout the entire collection I feel like Hemingway uses bullfighting to portray the devastation of war in a slightly more imtimate and personal way. In war there are many soldiers even if we are only limitied to the expirence of a few but in his chapters about bullfighting he focuses on the suffering of an individuale in detail...almost to remind the readers that no matter how hopeful certian stories seem such as Soldiers Home, the war is still happening and somewhere people are dying


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