Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Kushner and Brooks

In class we have been taking a lot about how Brooks puts racist tension into her writing and touches on issues in diversity and equality. I noticed that in Kushner also puts issues like these into his writing in "Caroline, or Change". Brooks and Kushner both mainly talk about differences in white people and black people, but Brooks also talks about woman's rights (we even mentioned in class that she could be considered somewhat a feminist), and about soldiers in war. Kushner touches upon religious diversity. Noah's family is Jewish, and although the family is comfortable with their religion (unlike Gregor), they still are insulted for it a few times. Even Caroline tells Noah in her rage that Jews go to hell when they die, even though she know what it is like to be treated unfairly because you are different.


  1. It's interesting to think about this in depth enough to realize that although the racism between blacks and whites was a very large issue at the time, there was also so much other racial, religious, and sexist tension that isn't usually brought fourth as much.

  2. Very nice post Rachel! I loved your connections to everything we did in the class this year. Really made me think for a few minutes and I completely agree.


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