in an interview about Lincoln Kushner said...
"I think I used the lessons of being Jewish in a small Southern town during the civil rights era, and sort of transferred them. It took some time, but I learned many lessons about how to claim an identity that was an uncomfortable identity for people, and not throw a lot of yourself to the dispossessed, or dispossess an identity because it was despised culturally. The problem was with the culture and not with oneself or one’s group. So I used those lessons in coming out of the closet."
This remind's me of Kafka's character George when he was talking about his difficulties relating to and accepting his Jewish identity. He grew up in a time were his religion was not well accepted which must have made it even harder for him to accept it himself
This could also be related to "Caroline, or Change" because even though Noah isn't really having a hard time accepting his Jewish background, he still gets insulted for it (Caroline tells him Jews go to hell). It is just another way of pointing out that diversity is tough.