Friday, October 12, 2012

A Day That Changed My Life

A day that changed my life took place around 6 years ago. I was at nationals for hockey in Worcester Pennsylvania. My team had made it to the quarter finals against the Little Caesars. We had a long and hard fought game that ended in regulation with a 1-1 tie. We had scored second late in the third period to keep us alive. going into over time we thought we had the momentum on the other team from our third period goal to tie up the game. The game was rough and the other team started to push us around more about half way through overtime. We kept with them until 47 seconds left, when they scored on a three on one rush down the ice. The whole team was crushed. Half of us were almost in tears, and the other half were silent. We shook their hands and then slowly made our way to the locker room. We were devastated and heartbroken. We had made it so far, but lost it in the matter of seconds. After the game the team went back to the hotel and packed our stuff to go home. It was about a nine hour drive back home. The car ride was dead silent the whole way.

When I got home i was greeted by one of my two dogs, and that was unusual because my other dog always greeted me when i came home. I asked where he was and my parents told me to take a seat on the coach, so i did. They then told me that they had to put him down because he had  tumor in his heart and it was basically drowning him. I burst out into tears. This had been the hardest day of my life.

This day changed my life because i had experienced two heartbreaks in one day. This made me realize how fast something can go wrong, and change the way you view life. I started to realize how much you had to cherish all the good things that you have in life because you never know what could happen to them. They could be taken away from you in a split second.

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