Thursday, October 11, 2012

Life Changing Event

When my oldest brother, Zach, who is seven years older than me, started middle school, he wanted a school with more of a challenge. My parents had heard about Kingswood Oxford and decided to look there with him. He liked the school and decided to apply and was accepted. He started in sixth grade (he had skipped third grade, so he was with his appropriate age group when he repeated sixth) and went through all seven years of middle and high school, as have my other two brothers. By going to KO, Zach actually changed my families lives and opened up new opportunities for us. 

Not only have all of my brother and I attended this school, but it has brought us new experiences. For example, I always hated soccer, so when I got to KO, I started playing field hockey. I loved it and this is my sixth year playing. The school also introduced my to squash, which I played for three years and helped my brother, Aaron, with tennis when he joined the team because he felt like he was playing kids that were at his skill level for the first time. The KO ski team has also affected my brothers and I, allowing us to race for the school, not just the mountain, and freeing up our weekends so that we could continue skiing at Okemo as a family. KO has brought many academic opportunities as well, such as honors/AP classes and courses in the arts (select choir groups and focused art classes).

Kingswood has also affects my family's life through location. Before we lived in West Hartford, we lived in Glastonbury. After deciding the commute was to much (although many people have the same or longer commutes), my family moved to West Hartford, building a new house with new people and new surroundings. 

Zach's decision to go to Kingswood affected my entire family in numerous ways and created many opportunities.  

1 comment:

  1. the same thing happened with me! with graham though, only five years older. i never knew i would like field hockey and lacrosse because the only sport that was offered at my old school was basketball... ko really did change everything!


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