If you look back at my previous post, I outlined Hamlet as an interesting and dubious character.
In Act 2, as the play progresses on, we see more sides to Hamlet.
After him and Polonius meet each other in the court yard, one of the first things that Hamlet says to Polonius in a joking way was:
"Excellent well. You are a fishmonger" (2.2.190)
This shows the humorous side that Hamlet has as he is displayed as a very serious character in a very serious situation. But as we have seen Shakespeare do time and time again through out all of his plays, we see here again. He always finds a way to include a comedic style to a dramatic play, and this is another great example. Along with what this reveals about Shakespeare, this is also a great example of another part in the play which reveals more about the character of Hamlet.
Another moment when we are shown another side of Hamlet's character is his definitive plans regarding figuring out who killed his father:
"I'll have these players Play something like the murder of my father Before mine uncle. Ill observe his looks. Ill tent him to the quick. If he do blench, I know my course." (2.2.623)
This scene in the play shows us his definitive side with his plans towards revealing to himself who the killer of his father was so he can maybe take a course of revenge. This also shows how Hamlet can be sort of a crafty individual. He has been dubious of the whole situation between Claudius and his Mother through out the whole play, and he has been searching for answers. The craftiness of Hamlet is shown here because he deliberately thought about how to give himself proper evidence, like a detective. This craftiness is another trait that is added by Shakespeare to the renaissance man, Hamlet.
This moment shows us another side to his character, as we keep learning more and more through out the play and we are only through Act 2.
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